An interesting question that frequently comes up "What you do or worship the gods?"
My answer usually and often misunderstood, is "no" and all of them. I don't talk about the existence, validity or ' good ' or ' bad ' ness ness any of various gods. If you feel it and think it's real, if only for you.Working with energy and spirituality deeply personal specialties and the simple fact is, energy thoughts when you send your thoughts to do something, you actually create it.
The gods are energy. Improved various gods in different religions represent different aspects of the overall energy that all of us.For example in Celtic Pantheon there Lu ´ gh (slight misspelling, I can't get my computer to put focus in the right place) is also known as many gifted Lord, Stag and keeper of the Lance. Meadow is a very specific energy and also represented as a boss all lighting and symbolize the spear. Having a very good background to the awakening of the Kundalini is easy for me to see him as a representative of fiery Kundalini energy that flows through the brain, spine and illuminating life path.
We are all part of the same energy and we all are connected through it. Once you learn to feel energy, then you can start getting deeper and learn to feel different energy various objects and persons.
Each of us has a specific energy signature in the same way we have specific smell, the voice and on foot. what it really is all about building your own personal catalog how to think things. Unfortunately the only way to do this is to spend a lot of different things, sense of time.With practice you can learn to distinguish between people in a group learning, feeling their energy. you can also learn to connect to energy different people or places, feeling it.
If ancient Druid, I would have spent decades, feeling and learn about this energy. As part of my job be Druid teachings about the energy and our connection to nature for people who don't have the same background and abilities. Only put it on terms that it is easy to understand why people who don't have ten years of schooling for it.
To do so;
Facing West and visualize the fertile plains with the Sun outside.Bright and vivid colors.Meadow seems to be surrounded by radiant halo and blinding light point on the tip of the spear. Don't think about anything, or try to connect to anything, just pay attention to the feelings that you have with this concept. can you feel energy runs up your spine? do you feel your Halo are brighter, Meadow energy flowing through you?
Now take a moment and send a sense of gratitude for the meadow and the universe as a whole, for having made it through another day and witness the beautiful sunset.
Remember the feeling that you were from the event.If your energy is strong enough to revive the feeling that at any time; does this mean that ING does not exist when you touch energy without ritual?Of course not.
Some people need ritual and actually rituals can be a great way to help people feel energy for yourself, and how many of us work together for a particular purpose, or simply to create a bit of a sacred space.
Energy is a tool, and different situations require different energy (start).Connecting to the proper energy easier if you have clear tool to help you visualize and remember the feel of it.The gods are an excellent way to store the feel and the intention of the various aspects of energy and easily accessible, so that you can use it.Teaching of the gods is also a great way to help teach feel energy for students who may not know what it feels like even this is one of the things that makes teaching of thin energy so difficult to — the fact that these are thin.I can tell you that it feels like for me, but I can't tell you how it must feel to you.
Using the ritual for the gods, a person can access these details energy and learn to feel at Druid allows us to access these energies and to transmit it so that people without our training, you can feel it, and it can be applied to almost any aspect of life. Druid healer access not only to healing aspects of Brigid (from the Irish tradition), but can help lay the healers also connect to energy, teach them to feel Brigid and interact with it.
Energy is simply energy. it is not good or bad, light or dark, or smart or stupid ... it's just that what you do with it that determines its implications. gods are, how we use this energy in differently.
It's easy to see how profound spirituality this can get lost or incorrectly in some cases, all we have left this dogma that went with energy, but very few true intentions or understand how to use it. it does not mean that ritual for Celtic, Greek or any other God is useless without a deeper energy. you do not need to be a Carpenter to use a hammer and saw.
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