October 02, 2010

Save money and Conserve energy at the same time

Conservation is a hot topic at the moment. It is clear that conservation is a global problem. In addition, it is interesting that savings energy is very simple, in fact, as a person.

Before we discuss some tips to help you with your savings energy, let's take a look at some of the ways to define conservation:

Conservation is to protect our planet.

Energy saving intergenerational responsibilities.

Energy nature is often the fastest and most economical method of cutting your Bill energy.

Save energy does something that consumes less energy.

Conservation is mainly about how habits and understanding.

Conservation is improving the way you use energy, so that we can achieve a more affordable way to just use energy.

Energy nature is important for many reasons; social, environmental and economic.

Conservation was an important theme in which ordinary citizens of any age or background can be instantly had a significant impact on our world.

Isn't saving energy that should only be practiced while at work.

Save energy is one of the most practical ways to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and reduce the cost to the consumer.

Conservation is beneficial for the economy as a whole.

If it's a terrific savings energy, why don't we do more of it?.

The heads of State would improve our conservation, and the best way they can take action to improve the preservation of basic energy-hiking prices for electricity and gas currently conservation reasonably efficient cost wise, quick payback time and reasonable investment.Both chapters to increase spending, rapid payback time gets pretty even shorter and cost savings.

Consumer awareness, today energy saving is hundred times more than two decades ago, but it's still not enough indeed to increase awareness about conservation becomes more acute because power consumption is growing much faster than our ability to produce electricity.

What can we do to help?

Of course there are a lot of people are worried about their heating bills this winter.
Remember, Heating and water pumping is sometimes a large section of your electric bill. cost of gas is at an all-time high and heating oil isn't getting any cheaper.

So what settings you want to help save some of your hard earned cash and help the environment?

Best plug things when you're not using them. TV, Music Centre, lights etc. Even don't leave things "standby", it still uses energy unnecessarily.

Most power is used by heating, so carefully, the thermostat on your thermostat is a big step save energy, you can use.
Another good idea is to check the air filter on your monthly heating and cooling system.
Want to drink hot? Use microwaves hotplates or kettles for heating water.

Change your heating system? Select energy-efficient equipment, when you buy a new heating and cooling equipment.

If you're going to buy gas fire, then effective flueless design with the latest high-tech absolutely that energy wasted or lost to pipes, as well as fire conditionally flued Strip as a result of all heat warms your number, which means that better cost energy and excellent energy. they also are kinder to the environment, such as cutting edge catalytic gas means fire actually cleans the air, it uses.

In conclusion, energy saving is the end result of a lot of little things that make a significant impact.

If you are enough of these small changes, efficiency and conservation are a combination of win-win.

READ MORE - Save money and Conserve energy at the same time

General information on solar energy

Solar energy is renewable, clean energy already thousands of years, in one way or another. The following is an overview of the solar energy.

General information about solar energy

Solar energy it all comes down to using solar energy to produce energy.Sun rain enough solar energy on Earth in power, all energy needs in the world for one year Solar energy is considered to be a source of renewable energy, as it will exist as long as our Sun, it is estimated that another 4.5 billion years. Solar energy is also considered to be environmentally friendly energy because it does not produce any contaminants and by-products that are harmful to the environment.

Solar energy was the first source energy used by mankind. use limited to drying and heating caused by direct contact, but it was using. In modern times solar energy power supply since the early 1950s, but is not widely used because of technological problems, which made the source energy inefficient and expensive. With advances in solar energy moves to the fore as a potential alternative to fossil fuels.

In the future, really bright solar energy as new solar nanotechnology close to create solar platforms that Boggle the mind. For example, several companies are trying to create solar quantum dots, which are merged in the paint you use for your home. Yes, you actually will draw on panels solar energy that power your home

At present mainly through the use of solar panels, solar photovoltaic cells are energy.This process works by putting cells in direct sunlight. Sun hits cells, causing a chemical reaction that produces an electric current. Current became electricity. The problem with these cells, they are only around 15% efficiency.

Solar energy are usually classified in two ways, passive and active solar solar. Both approaches solar energy, but very different ways

Passive solar exactly what it sounds like she is not related to the systems or other moving machinery for the production of solar energy. Instead, passive solar includes planning structures in such a way as to take power Sun windowing, tanks and so on. These systems can be used to heat homes, water, etc.

Active solar energy systems typically include solar panels in one form or another.The target for maximum exposure to the Sun.Depending on the system tray will then either convert sunlight directly to electricity, which is then converted from a DC current electricity energy alternatives and stored in batteries or the grid system of local utility.Active systems are more expensive and complicated.

Solar energy has many advantages over other renewable energy.This produces no pollution, requires little maintenance, and comes with significant financial incentives in the form of tax deductions, tax exemptions and rebates from manufacturers.In most States solar energy can also be sold on the concept known as pure this reduces the need for batteries, while significantly reducing utility costs.

Unfortunately solar energy has some drawbacks, the initial cost of acquisition and installation can be expensive. second problematic areas with limited sunlight. Thirdly, solar energy clearly cannot be carried out at night. Despite these shortcomings solar energy is thriving platform energy.

The largest producers of solar energy worldwide were Germany, Japan and USA California Solar Initiative, recently is dedicated to promoting the use of solar energy residents in more than three billion dollars as shown in this review, the platform solar energy coming on strong.

READ MORE - General information on solar energy

Bright energy saving idea-preserved fish, including energy, save money

If the lifetime movie, it would be all energy. But with gas prices and electricity prices go up, so what better preserved energy than conducted unreasonable. At the same time, it pays to think about life as a movie that must stay within budget. This means that each energy idea should be used, whether a home, Office or plant.

The best scene played the best locations, at home or the Office., Bright energy, saving idea be a scout for a good location or fashion, then you would have to meet the needs of your energy.

More than half energy used for heating or cooling space is lost due to improper isolation. keep your home or Office warm winter, to provide appropriate insulation walls and Windows. Open the curtains and blinds in the South-facing windows during the day of winter, but close them at night to keep warm.

The balmy days of summer fan in your attic to move the hot air out of the House. This fan is to save another bright idea energy: you can change the direction of air flow in winter, so the warm air is pushed to the floor Heating of your site.

Any energy saving idea works both inside and outside of your home or Office.Landscaped garden, you can keep your site looking fresh and clean.Plant herbs, flowers and shrubs, well-established or in your area and which does not require additional watering during the summer, or additional services during the off seasons. If it is possible to plant trees, such as evergreens, shade your home or Office and to protect it from the wind.

A lot of money and energy goes to move from one place to another.It would help if you can either create incentives that will encourage staff to live close to the branch, or translate your business near the place where most of your employees. keeping your workplace energy is efficient energy saving idea all its own-but bringing it closer to those who use it, it might be better energy, preserving the idea in the long run.

Site will not work without proper costumes, and like in the movies, clothes not only lets you see the symbol, but Wednesday's character as well.

The first bright energy, saving idea will get washed clothes.Clothing, whether they come clean you rinse in cold or warm water to maintain your account with hot water, rinse in cold, rather than in a warm and warm rather than hot water.Experiments have shown that you can use up to 50% less energy on radiator flushing.

If you can't be there watching your dry suits, saving idea is a good energy (though not necessarily money saving) would acquire the dryer with a motion sensor device. This will turn off automatically when dry loads.Another energy idea will wash and dry clothes only at full load.Nevertheless, supercharge your dryer as clothes dry faster when they have enough space to bounce around.

Best energy, preserving the idea, then wear the right during the warm or hot Weather wear comfortable, light-colored and light clothes instead of heavy business suits to work.This not only helps reduce air conditioning needs-it saves your laundry load.

Stage ready, participants have the clothes, but not good energy, preserving the idea in the store, everything will still be dark. coverage is important for home and Office, and that adequate coverage is greater than the amount of light that can best be save energy.

If sunlight through the window, turn off your lights and work in the Sun's rays.Replacing incandescent lamps with compact fluorescent lamps spotlight. you can save you up to 15% on your lighting and Bill are brighter than conventional bulbs.If you have more light than necessary, best energy, saving idea will remove them and save the ones you have clean. fat, dirt and dust to cut your lamps production and increase energy, they should work.

Methodology can be hard on the Pocket, but energy better saved when lighting is used only at the appropriate time to make sure this happens, the installation of automatic control room the reply, the number of available natural light, as well as the number of passengers in the room, they can also be programmed to turn off the light at the end of the day, leading to your great savings energy yet.

Computers eventually take up the bulk load electricity Office. savings idea another good energy will ensure that computers are turned off, although they are not used. Laptops also use up to 80-90% less energy than desktops and small monitors use less energy than large. Less cars take up less energy, and while not quite money saving idea further, making the switch for small form factor computers is saving idea is a good energy.

Energy is stored is a chance for more scenes played out. This means that each energy idea should be used, so that all locations, costumes and lighting always leads to action!

READ MORE - Bright energy saving idea-preserved fish, including energy, save money

October 01, 2010

Manage your energy, Mine your potential

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People are attracted to energy like moths to a flame, and when the flame gets turned up too high - or low - they may become repelled.

I had a friend who possessed so much energy she reminded me of a Superball® that had been thrown against a hard surface. Her bouncing energy made it impossible to focus on what she had to say. Another friend had such low energy I teased him that people were going to start putting mirrors under his nose to see if he was breathing. Neither had a clue that their energy level was hindering their ability to communicate and harming their careers.

I often advise clients to dial their energy either up or down. "Picture a thermostat," I counsel. "Then simply dial it up or down." Rarely does one need to adjust the dial more than twenty-five percent, and usually just a "tweak" will do it.

In addition to gauging the amount of energy we emit, we need to explore the different types of energy that fuel us. I have learned that there are two primary energy states: anxiety-produced energy and grounded energy. I have to confess that too often I am fueled by a tense, anxiety-produced energy. I am productive but not very pleasant to be around.

When I am in this aggravated state, adrenaline and cortisol are coursing through my bloodstream, and I am being manipulated by the primitive "fight or flight" syndrome.

Adrenaline and cortisol can become seductive, as can the heightened feelings of productivity and power. But then I remember that the disadvantages of this anxiety-produced energy far outweigh the advantages. My muscles are tense. Minor irritations escalate into major frustrations, and I am unable to truly connect with others. Additionally, I pay a physical price: my stamina wanes and eventually I burn out.

When I operate from grounded energy, the dynamics drastically change. I am alert, optimistic, level-headed, connected, and my muscles are more relaxed. I still get things done but not with the frantic hypervigilance caused by anxiety.

We have the power to change our level of energy as well as the type of energy we emit. Here are seven tips that my clients and I have found particularly helpful:

Match your energy to build rapport. I match my energy level to the person with whom I am communicating by monitoring and matching his or her breathing rate, vocal speed, and volume.

I used to go on sales calls with a partner, and I would monitor my partner's energy and raise or lower mine to create balance. If my partner's energy was high, I would dial mine down; if her energy was low, I would dial mine up.

When I present, I monitor the audience's energy. If the audience's energy level is waning, I dial mine up to reenergize the crowd. If the energy level in the room is too high, I dial mine down to restore calm so that the audience can focus on my message.

Monitor your breathing. Breath helps us manage energy. When I am feeling that my energy is anxiety-based, I observe how I am breathing. In almost every case, I am taking shallow breaths or, even worse, holding my breath. When I take deep, cleansing breaths and become more conscious of my breathing, I am able to shift to a more grounded energy.

Take a posture break. My massage therapist tells me that most of my tension lodges in my neck. She suggests standing up, stretching, and rolling my neck from side to side every half hour. Experts agree, saying that standing up every half hour increases our energy by thirty percent.

Poor posture contributes to poor breathing and ultimately to diminished vocal quality. Some say that when we slump our shoulders we diminish our lung capacity by thirty percent or more.

I constantly remind myself to "stand in my power" by standing up straight, tucking back my arms, and projecting my chest forward, or as one client says, "letting my headlights show."

Drink water. We all have read about the health benefits of drinking lots of water. Drinking water every twenty to thirty minutes also sends a signal to our metabolism to keep up its energy. Doctors tell us ice-cold water is even more effective.

Eat smart. My trainer suggests that I eat six times a day. He says eating low-fat, high-fiber, and high complex carbohydrate snacks between meals actually increases energy and metabolism. I do know that when I skip between-meal snacks - or worse, entire meals - my blood sugar falls and I become tired. But just a few bites of high protein food fuel my energy.

Caffeine overstimulates me and causes my energy to become anxiety-based. I also stay away from sugary foods for the same reason.

Everyone's body is different. Pay attention to yours to determine which foods fuel you and which deplete your energy. And remember, what your mama told you is true: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A breakfast high in complex carbohydrates, protein, and fiber -- and low in fat -- will get your day off to an energetic start.

Exercise. A study conducted at the Center for Creative Leadership in Colorado Springs, Colorado showed that exercisers scored better than non-exercisers in all leadership categories including organization, interpersonal skills, and energy.

Exercise benefits us all, and it benefits us in different ways. I am a high-energy person. Exercise is essential for me because without it I am bouncing against the walls. For me, exercise converts anxiety into grounded energy. For my friend Bob, exercise takes on another characteristic: it helps Bob get his juices going in the morning. Exercise primes his pump for the rest of the day.

Get rest. You already know that the body needs rest to recuperate and regenerate itself. As with food, the amount of rest needed each night varies by person. I need eight hours of sleep. When I don't get them, my energy wanes and I become irritable.

We all have times of the day in which we are more energetic than others. The most productive people plan their days around their peak periods.

I am a morning person. Between 6 and 9 a.m. I can do the work of three people. It is during this time that I do most of my writing. Between 3 and 4 p.m., my energy wanes. Being an extrovert, I find that if I use this time for phone work, the interaction with people energizes me.

How about you? What are peak and low energy times of your day and what are you doing during those times?

Much of our success in life depends on our ability to manage energy. By becoming conscious of our energy level and those around us, we tap into our potential and electrify our careers. We attract people to us like moths to a flame.

READ MORE - Manage your energy, Mine your potential

Stress management tips-healthy energy body

Many cultures, both modern and ancient, recognized the concept of universal energy or vital life force that flows through the physical body of all sentient beings. In India it is called energy Prana. In China it is called Chi. In Japan, it's called Ki. Greeks are known as Pneuma while Kahuna Hawaii and Polynesia call it Mana. They feel this life energy bears responsibility for preservation of organs, cells, tissues and blood flow and is considered the creator of the coupling.

The principle is the belief that all living things have thin energy body or aura, which regulates the physical body.In the body are energy chakras circling energy centers that control and large and vital organs of the physical body as these chakras pumps or valves control the flow of universal energy through a thin energy system.

It is anticipated that public officials chakras and therefore energy body represents the physical health.Because the chakras absorb and distribute vital energy part physical body if Chakra malfunction, this person will be physically ill also points psychological functions of the chakras. Chakras are therefore not only individual parts of the body, but also reflect the psychological well-being of the individual.

Given the importance of energy body and chakras physically, emotionally and mentally, it is clear, having a strong healthy energy body will not only help deal with stress, and even help you deal with the many other challenges, life can bring. So the question remains, how do you as a person can develop and maintain strong healthy energy body? Well, there are many alternatives to choose from.

Firstly if you are finding that you are struggling emotionally and physically, you may be in need of a good dose of energy healing Healing energy is a broad term that is used to treat the address of thin energy body in any form. Working directly with the emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions energy body and chakras, energy healing involves releasing blocked energy and giving energy body restoration of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. There are many energy Healing forms are available and we know quite well, including the Pranic healing, Reiki, Crystal healing, healing chakras, Tibetan healing and Shamanic healing, just to name a few. You will find that after just one session with the right energy healer, you will feel much better.

In addition to energy healing can be pretty play an active role in ensuring your energy remains strong and healthy. the easiest way is through regular exercise, which is known for cleaning affect energy body. In this case, you will receive automatically all the dirty energy promotes the physical, emotional and mental illness, and up to date ly free energy, available in the air, and Earth would naturally flow into your body. Activities such as yoga, Tai-Chi and most martial arts are intended not only to help you become a strong physically, but also stimulate your body at energy level.Generally speaking, practicing yoga to focus on ' prana ' by entering their energy body, enhancing their chakras while moving in and the specific physical location.Similarly, in Tai Chi practitioners focus on some point just below the belly, known as Dantien, which is considered the main warehouse energy doing body movements.

Finally, there are a number of meditative practices that you can study is designed to enhance and augment energy throughout your body, such as Chi Kung, Nei Kung and Kundalini Yoga.In many healing school s meditation is practiced on a regular basis to improve energy body.Pranic healing for example includes the highest level series of meditations, specially designed for better flow energy at the expense of energy body is very important to note that one element common to all methods discussed (physical exercise, yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Kung or just basic meditation), abdominal respiration. this type of breathing through the nose to sniff the air required at the bottom of your lungs, hold for a moment and then exhale through your mouth when done correctly, your energy body will naturally be cleaned and reenergized.

Regularly participating in any activity that complements energy flow through your body, you will find that will improve your physical and psychological health as a result increases your ability to respond to physical and emotional stress. With practice you can even feel closer to your Creator and just overall sense of well-being.

READ MORE - Stress management tips-healthy energy body

Energy And the rise and fall of civilizations

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David Attenborough, the famous naturalist and paleontologist, has stated that "The history of human civilizations - including their rise and fall - can't be properly understood unless we appreciate the importance of ‘power subsidies'".

In the evolution of societies and cultures, energy has played invariably a pivotal role, beginning with the energy that we, as living humans, must store in our own bodies to survive. Because of this, the destiny of our ancestors in the Homo lineage was that of wandering the plains of Africa in search of food that could be assimilated and stored as reserve energy. Which was, by the way, the destiny of all other members of the Animal Kingdom - except that Homo excelled at it. By acting collectively and cooperatively with the environment, Homo (by now become sapiens) was able to increase the critical mass of the brain and to use the added intelligence to secure what he needed to sustain small communities - the embryo of civilization.

Later on, as the quest for improved life progressed, Homo sapiens continued to hone his above-average intellectual capabilities to make the transition between nomadic life to that of more stable nuclei, which based their sustenance on agriculture. By domesticating animals and plants, furthermore, Homo sapiens secured a continuous and reliable supply and surplus of readily available energy and, by so doing, further increased the quantity of energy that could flow through his communities - and his body. Plant cultivation, moreover, aided by irrigation systems, greatly increased the yield per unit of human energy - labor. Agricultural surpluses, later on, freed people from attending the land on a daily basis. Thus various Homo sapiens could differentiate tasks and this differentiation spawned new, more complex institutional and hierarchical arrangements within their primitive societies.

As a direct and proximate result of all this, Homo sapiens abandoned pre-history and walked triumphantly into history, and this very passage helped to facilitate an even greater energy flow-through. It was 10,000 years ago.

From the onset, the relationship between energy and cultural development has been very strong. The tie and junction point between energy and culture is also the thread behind the concepts of ‘allocation of scarce resources' in Neoclassical Economics. Lionel Charles Robbins (1898-1984) defined ‘resource scarcity' as the difference between what people desire and the demand for goods. Thus a good is said to be scarce if, at any given price level (including price level zero - i.e. for free), people would consume more of it than the available supply. But the impact on demand - and thus the desire for a certain type of good, continued Robbins, has its roots in the culture of any given society, whereas the availability of that given type of good is in direct function of its cost, that is of the total combination of raw materials, labor and energy involved in its production.

No better example of this can be found in the variety of foods and cuisines all over the world. Foods that are consumed in North America, like hamburgers for example, are certainly not as nearly appreciated in India, where cows are sacred and untouchable. Likewise the production of ham and other cured pork meats for which Italy is worldwide famous is absolute anathema in Israel and the Muslim world for religious reasons.

Robbins stated that there are three critical factors in assessing the ‘progress' of any culture: first, "the amount of energy harnessed per capita per year". Second, "the efficiency of the technological means with which energy is harnessed and put to work". And finally "the magnitude of human need-serving goods and services produced". By combining these three factors together, societies evolved as the amount of energy harnessed per capita per year increased or, alternatively, as the efficiency of the technological means of putting the energy to work increased. Either way, energy is both the catalyst and the ruling factor in the development of cultural systems.

The human experience as an evolutionary journey is in direct function of the increased use of available energy. The degree of civilization of any people, or group of people, is measured in fact by the ability to utilize energy for human advancement. More specifically, whether a culture is low or high on the scale of human progress is directly correlated to the amount of energy produced and consumed per capita. A fact this, substantiated by econometrics studies. In fact, going back to David Attenborough, "the very function of culture is to gather and control energy so that it may be used for man's wants and needs".

Human beings throughout the world and in any epoch have accomplished the development of their societies by inventing tools to capture and transform energy to manage the creation and maintenance of social institutions. So therefore, what we call ‘progress' is merely the use of tools in combination to capture, store and use more and more energy and, by so doing, to extend our power and increase our wellbeing. All of which brings us to the present time.

Energy is so essential in today's technologically advanced world, that no one can envision a society without it. So much so, in fact, that no one and nothing can function without energy either. Going through a blackout, even of modest proportions, underscores this point. Classical capitalist theory embeds the concept that the creation and transformation of energy is vital to the proper functioning of the capitalistic system. David Ricardo (1772-1823), the English economist, in his work entitled Principles Of Political Economy And Taxation examines not only the importance of energy within the (new at that time) concept of free trade in Capitalism, but also sheds light on the reason - the sole reason, in fact - as to why civilizations ultimately collapse and disappear.

Collapse sets in when a mature civilization reaches the point at which it is forced to spend more and more of its energy reserves merely to maintain its complex social arrangements, while experiencing diminishing returns in the energy enjoyed per capita. In the early stages of civilization, the creation of infrastructures such as roads, irrigation systems and conquest of new lands and territories are determinant to a net increase of energy returns over energy expenditures. In the late stages, states spend most of the energy just to maintain existing infrastructures, as well as to sustain the ever-expensive lifestyles of political elites or other "non-productive members of society".

Furthermore, a large population whose number grew during times of economic expansion suddenly enjoys less energy per capita, even as people are working harder and longer. At the same time, states impose more and more taxes on people to make ends meet, thus hastening the downwards spiral. Often times, at the very end of the civilization cycle, in a final effort to protect themselves from the anger of the population, states order whatever energy is left in the form of surplus food, money, outputs and economic resources to be allocated first for use and equipment of the military, thus further angering the public. The population begins to disaggregate and fend for itself, setting off the process of disintegration. Unless a new source of energy is found, either by discovery or conquest, collapse is all but inevitable.

Naturally, if anyone reads in the conclusions brought forth by David Ricardo some two-hundred years ago an ominous parallelism with what is happening in our societies today, and with the plight for oil, gas and the control natural resources in the political arenas of the world, any such similarity must be nothing but purely coincidental ...

Luigi Frascati

READ MORE - Energy And the rise and fall of civilizations

September 30, 2010

Improving energy Shiva Lingam meditation And Trinity Antahkarana and connections

Shiva Lingham and Yoni from India and ancient, 5000 years of Hinduism. This meditation, inscribed in stone that underlies every Hindu temple. This meditation, inscribed in stone that has been lost to history, but which are now taught in improving energy.

Shiva Lingham and Yoni is 5000-year-old sculpture, chart, key, which describes the natural flow of energy between man and energy of the universe as energy comes down from heaven, spring on the center of the universe, through man, purified human beings not energy, backlit, enlightened and down to Earth in the center of the Kundalini Chakra.

There, the Chakra in the center of the Earth, the negative energy to transmute and healed, and importantly, direction energy is correct and then moves up through the center of the Earth human again and the Kingdom of heaven. The macrocosmic orbit Alchemical Taoism and Kriyas Kundalini.

Base of Shiva Lingam, Yoni, looks like a Sufi mystic fountain fountain Alhambra in Granada, Andalusia, Spain, where the Center is a center of the Earth. The two sculptures of two completely different countries and cultures, separated by thousands of years, miles shows how these universal principles over and over again into cultural mixture of mankind for their development.

Shiva Lingam (male genitals) deep water fountain and represents the Antahkarana. ritual worship Shiva Lingam of spilt milk origin energy from the center of the universe in the center of the earth she exits Yoni (genital mutilation), which symbolize the Earth and the antahkarana through Joni spout, spiritual energy from the center of the Earth as water exits the Alhambra fountain pool through the Antahkarana and sky-high, swimming pool, Ocean bliss

This change of direction energy that occurs in the center of the Earth and shoots energy back from Earth to heaven.This Taoist macrocosmic orbit, guided meditations, has so many advantages and for improving energy.

Secrets of increasing energy outdoors threads energy Universe and human beings came from a deep and ancient sources.

Model of parallel processor. Super computers receive speed through the number of processors is connected.Each chakra is CPU, gaining more intelligence above they are also connected to more than one processor, so a person receives more wisdom. Bus communication connection chakras along in man and energy of the Earth and the universe itself is Antahkarana.

As my master'S Hogen spring at the top of the mountains. "is a paradise.All energy comes out of this.This Chakra in the center of the universe, whose energy power everything.

Disease pressure energy.We can heal ourselves, when we learn to fill yourself with energy, they have to get rid of blockages in this thread energy, energy blocks in you!

Energy is glowing.Energy is beauty.Energy is health.Energy is happiness.Energy is concentration and memory and your ability to obtain practical methods to access these Infinite energy getting energy!

This is the beginning is the most important home improvement energy. other empowerments teach us about Negativities and attitudes that stopping this very energetic compounds souls. other empowerments teach us how to use this great energy in the right way.

In the beginning we will learn how to access the infinite energy higher mind. Easy and practical reflections on the basis of the methodology of 200 000 years, whose success is about more than any other system!

Using this energy we contact our instincts, our guide, the path of our soul.

Put everything in its right place.

Feeling orgasmic great energy from connecting to the chakras above head makes us realize that even in our life is good ... but not that good!!

"Connect only connection," said Goethe.

Great energy pravilaHorošo!!

We have access to energy, we never great.

READ MORE - Improving energy Shiva Lingam meditation And Trinity Antahkarana and connections